Fariya Sharmeen, KTH

Vad behövs för att lyckas med ambitionen om ökad och säker cykling?

Porträttfoto av Fariya Sharmeen, KTH. Foto: Toasin
Fariya Sharmeen Foto: Toasin

Cycling is hitherto operated outside or at fringe of mainstream transportation planning and policy even in high cycling regions. That needs to be recognized first and addressed duly. Much needs to be done to ensure that cycling (the infrastructure, legal framework and supply of the artifact) should receive the same level of, if not more, attention in public policy, budget and traffic safety domains.

Second, though learning from comparable contexts has value, it is not a matter of mere policy transfer. Local knowledge base is important for successful implementation. Therefore, research and training to understand demand, technology transfer, policy adaptation and socio-cultural and historical portfolio are equally important to set standards and guidelines that the appropriate in the local context. Incentives and awareness programs can play an important role.

Last but not the least cooperation between different levels of administration (local and regional) is crucial to ensure cycling uptake. We wrote a paper in 2018 highlighting some of the challenges Bicycling in changing urban regions Länk till annan webbplats..

My name is Fariya Sharmeen and I’m a Associate Professor at KTH. My research focus is Sustainable transportation, Public Transit, Active Mobility, Novel innovative mobility solutions, Role of ICT and social networks in daily activity travel.

Current projects that are related to cycling research, in brief:

  • Understanding cycling mode and route choice
  • Role of incentives in promoting cycling modal share
  • Cycling practices from the lens of transition and transformation theories (case study: pandemic)
  • Policy evaluation (case study: bicycle highways)
  • Cycling in global south

För mer information om Fariya och hennes forskning, läs här:

https://www.kth.se/profile/sharmeen Länk till annan webbplats.
https://www.linkedin.com/in/fariyasharmeen Länk till annan webbplats.
Reward based gamification for promotion of cycling Länk till annan webbplats.
Understanding bicycle highways as a policy innovation Länk till annan webbplats.

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