Transforming the urban transportation system

Webbinarium 2023-06-02

Cykelcentrum, VTI

This was a truly inspiring webinar on how to create a transition in the urban transport system through a scientific theoretical framework and with a practical, modern example from the Belgian city Ghent.

The Swedish Cycling Research Centre (Cykelcentrum) hosted the event in collaboration with The Urban Cycling Institute, Amsterdam, and the network Cycling Knowledge Europe.


  • Introduction – PhD Anna Niska, Director of the Swedish Cycling Research Centre
  • Why was John Lennon in Bed with a Bicycle? – Professor Marco Te Brömmelstroet, University of Amsterdam, will present his latest research on how to create a transition for a more livable city with less environmental impact.
  • How to Ghentify your city – Deputy Mayor of Ghent, Filip Watteeuw, presents how the city of Ghent in Belgium/Flanders, transformed through a circulation plan.
  • What makes change possible? – A panel discussion with representatives from the network Cycling Knowledge Europe and The Urban Cycling Institute

For a background to cycling in Europe, we recommend our webinar on April 18 (in Swedish), Initiativ för cykling på Europanivå.

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