
Making space for vulnerable road users with 2 minus 1 roads

Open webinar by Sweco

  • 7 nov
  • Online

Recently, our Danish colleagues at Via Trafik Sweco Denmark conducted an extensive study on the effects of 2-1 roads in Denmark. In this design, an existing road is modified so that the shoulders are widened and the roadway is narrowed to one bidirectional lane for cars.

Other names for this design include advisory bike lanes, advisory shoulders, chaucidou, and suggestiestrook. This design is common in Denmark and is gaining more attention in Sweden. I wanted to examine the Danish report to see if its findings could be applied in a Swedish context. This webinar presents the results. By delivering it in English, I hope that more people can use this comparison to apply the Danish results in their own countries.

This webinar is open to all participants inside and outside of the Sweco organization. Feel free to forward the meeting to other people you think would be interested.

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10:00 - 11:30


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